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Microsoft Power Platform: combine Power Apps with the power of Power BI!

November 18, 2024

Microsoft Power Platform

What is Power Bi?

Microsoft Power BI is a comprehensive data analysis tool.

Power BI lets you store data in the cloud. The solution also lets you go further by processing, visualizing and analyzing this data. For example, Power BI (business intelligence) lets you easily create an interactive data visualization.

On the collaborative side, Power BI lets you share reports and collaborate in an agile and interactive way on Microsoft applications such as Teams or Excel. Power BI’ s ease-of-use is a real asset , enabling end-users to create their own customized dashboards and reports.

Qwerio and Actinvision combine their expertise!

Actinvision is a data specialist and a Microsoft Power BI Partner.

Founded in 2014 by Olivier Catherin, Alexandre Tricot and Martin Lee, Actinvision is a major data player in France, offering customized support across the entire data value chain, from storage to data visualization.

That’s why the partnership between Qwerio and Actinvision was an obvious choice 😉

Indeed, the combination of Actinvision’s and Qwerio’s own expertise and know-how enables us to deliver increasingly agile and innovative projects through comprehensive offerings. The main aim of this collaboration is to be able to offer a complete catalog of services, with certified experts covering all the needs covered by Microsoft’s Power Platform.


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