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Qwerio is Qualiopi-certified for its training courses

November 19, 2024


Here we are, Qwerio is already celebrating one month of Qualiopi certification for its training activities! You may not know it, but Qwerio offers a wide range of training courses on Microsoft solutions.

These courses are 100% adaptable to your needs and objectives.

Making business digitalization and collaborative solutions accessible

Education and quality are at the heart of our training program.

Our aim is to offer everyone the opportunity to develop their skills according to their level. Accessible to all, our training courses are delivered by certified experts who train all your users in the new uses and tools of Microsoft.

Qwerio is committed to continuous improvement and quality, which is why obtaining Qualiopicertification for our training courses was a must for us.

What does this certification mean in practical terms?

This certification testifies to our commitment and guarantees the quality of our training courses.

In fact, Qualiopi certification is awarded solely on the basis of results, such as :

  • Certified trainers,
  • Technical and pedagogical resources,
  • Ability to adapt to changing needs,
  • Good reception and support conditions for training participants.

This certification also enables your OPCO to cover the cost of training.

Want to find out more? We’ll answer all your questions!

Contact us for a request.


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